Why in news
 Recently, the State Medicinal Plant Board of Kerala has undertaken a project to protect these groves by activities like bio-fencing, preparing inventory of plant wealth, cleaning up water bodies and creating awareness about conservation.
What are sacred groves?
 Forest Fragments of various sizes, which are community protected and usually have a significant religious connotation for that community.
Significance of sacred groves
 Traditional uses
 Medicinal use as it is a repository for plants with Ayurvedic properties.
 Source of replenishable resources like fruits and honey
 The groves are often associated with ponds and streams. They help in meeting the water requirement of communities and also in recharging aquifers.
 Hunting and felling trees is a taboo. This vegetation cover helps in preventing soil erosion.
 Modern uses
 In modern times, they have become biodiversity hotspots due to progressive habitat destruction in neighbouring areas.
 They act as a rich gene pool including rare, threatened and endangered species.
 Sacred groves in urban landscapes act as ‘lungs’ to the city as well
 Urbanization and encroachment
 Over-exploitation of resources like overgrazing and excessive firewood collection
 Religious practices; clearing them for construction of shrines and temples
 Invasion by invasive species
Protection measures
 The Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002 had introduced a new protected area category called ‘community reserve’. Sacred Groves have been put under this.
 Under this significant power is given to the local communities with respect to administration of these areas.
 Many NGOs also work with local people for their protection.